Monday, May 19, 2014

I was doing some research on traveling with lymphedema. Until now, I didn’t totally understand the rational for making sure to wear a compression sleeve when traveling especially by air.

According to the National Lymphedema Network, the cabin pressure experienced during air flight is less than the atmospheric pressure on the ground. During flight, the cabin pressure decreases from sea level to the lower air pressure found at between 6,000 and 8,000 feet above sea level. This decrease in pressure in the plane’s cabin may give rise to increased swelling in a lymphedematous limb as tissue pressures are physiologically altered. Changes in fluid production in the tissues occur when the external pressures exerted on the limb are changed. Diminished pressure in the airplane cabin will result in a decrease in the fluid moved into the lymphatic system. The fluid will remain in the extracellular spaces and lymphedema may result. The use of the compression garments will provide external pressure on the extremity to adequately support favorable resorption and decrease the potential for fluid accumulation in the limb. The use of compression may prevent worsening of pre-existing lymphedema and is highly recommended for those with lymphedema during air travel. Compression bandages will potentially increase the interstitial tissue pressure and enhance the muscle pump in the lymphedematous extremity.

I didn’t feel any kind of difference while flying, my arm and hand swelled about the same that they do everyday. I did massage my arm during the flight which may have helped somewhat. I have learned to drain the lymph nodes in my neck a lot during the day. This puts the fluid back into my the blood stream and the body resorbs it. The main nodes are in the neck, so if you can’t massage the effected limb, then rub small circles up near your collar bone and it with help the area.

Tonight we went to the gym and worked on arms. I tried to increase the weight and so during resting breaks, I would massage small circles near my collar bone to help keep the lymph moving.

Overall today was a good day. 🙂 The sun was kind of shining and the birds were singing where is my sunshine….




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