Sunday, July 7, 2013

Today, I ordered my lace sleeve. It will take a few days to come in, but I also have the plain beige one that I can get on Monday or Tuesday from the medical supply which is holding it until I produce a prescription. My Dr is to fax one to me on Monday, so I just will have to wait a few days. I will call on Monday and get my physical therapy set up. She wants to see me twice a week.

We have been doing all of the home improvements this weekend, so we can put in the new carpet Monday! We even painted the living room, so everything will look really nice when it is all put back together.

My hair is starting to grow back. I just hope that on the 18th my Dr tells me I can just do radiation and skip the last chemo. I don’t want this hair to fall out. It feels like baby hair real soft. 😦


Overall, today was a good day. 🙂 The sun was shining and very hot today, the birds were singing and in the hopes I would fill their bird bath. I don’t share the swimming pool with them. They don’t like chlorine anyway.

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