Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Woke up and went to work for half day at the office and then came home to work the other half. My blood count is still low and I have a headache, so I want to make sure I am not around to many people. I am a little tired too. I am still giving myself the shots! I go back to the Dr on Thursday and do lab work to see how the shots are doing.

My brother had texted this saying to me for inspiration and I liked it and wanted to share it.


I had an early morning visitor in the backyard this morning. I could smell a skunk when I opened the door to let my dogs out. Dakota took off barking and chased something under the bushes. I was afraid it was the skunk. I could only imagine her getting sprayed and then what would I do with her! I tried to look under the bushes to verify what kind of animal it was keeping my distance. Thank goodness it was not a skunk, but a possem. It was pretty scared with Dakota getting up in its face wanting to play. Finally I was able to get Dakota back in the house and I hope the possum finds a new place to hide out.

Overall today was not a good day, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, but I have had a bad headache most of the day. Not sure if it is from stress or from low blood count. Tylenol has become my friend.

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